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is my mare pregnant

20 16:54:26

I bought a mare about 5 months ago, and after observing her while she was eating i noticed her belly moving oddley at her flanks. She has no bag or other signs of being in foal but wondered if she could be.
Many Thanks

Hi Michelle,

Strange movements in the flank while a horse is eating isn't always indicative of being in foal.  It is really easy to mistake those odd movements for a baby moving around, but it's quite common for a horse to have strange movements in their flank area while they are eating.

The best way to tell if it is foal movement is when you see the movement in the flank, put your hand right under her belly, around the belly button area and wait to see if you feel like small punches or a pushing against your hand in that area.  If the movement is down low at the same time the movement is in the flank, then it is more likely to be a foal rather than muscle movement.

As for her not having a bag, they usually will not start making bag until about 6 weeks prior to foaling... foal movement will occur much earlier than bagging up.

If you really are wondering if she is in foal, I would suggest having her palpated and get a definite answer.

Good luck with your new mare!