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How to get into breeding

20 16:56:31

Hi Ms. Kalp

I hope that I can ask this in the correct manner. I am in the market for another horse. I have always loved the Percheron's. I have come across a 6 Yo Reg Perch. who is also a stallion. I have always owned geldings but never a stallion. He has a great disposition is wonderful to ride and seems like he and I would get along great. Not like the crazy stallions most people think of.

My question is: I think I would like to purchase this horse but don't have anyone reliable to ask for advice. Is Breeding him something I could do on my own or is it a crazy business that I would be getting in over my head.
Oh and this big (18 hands) gental giant have any chance of becoming crazy? One more thing my husband has beef cows that he breeds would my horse try to breed with the cows? Please for give me if that last one is silly, but I have not had anyone able to answer this.

I think I would only do live cover which is the only thing he has done.

Thanks you in advance for your time

Lydia O'Brien

    If you have not had experience with stallions and breeding, then I would pass on this horse. Any stallion can be dangerous especially during breeding time, but when you are talking about a stallion that size, the danger doubles. While the stallion may not try to breed your husband's cows, it may try to kill it and their calves. I know of several Percheron stallions who have stomped calves and their mothers to death. Sometimes it is just because they are playing with it and sometimes it is because the cow is in heat.  I hope this helps.
