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Breeding my Mini Stud

20 16:56:54

Hello. I have 4 year old mini stud that I would like to start breeding. I just recently purchased him about two months ago. I have had no experience breeding horses though I have alot of horse experience and knowledge. He isn't papered so I don't know his history. Where do I start? How do I get the word out that he is at stud? What info do I need to look for from the mare and what do I need for the mares owners, etc? Also what stud fee is appropriate? Thanks for your time...

Since you are an experienced horseperson....first analyze this horse.  To be successful at stud he needs conformation, attitude and disposition as close to perfect as possible.  If you are sure in your mind about the above, take this horse to as many shows as possible.  Get exposure, advertise, offer a lower stud fee but...make sure you breed to high quality mares.  Those foals are HIS reputation. Be sure and get a reproductive check done on the stallion and ask for soundness checks on the mares as well.  There is a great deal involved with breeding horses (we personally own three stallions).  If you wish we can continue with private