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My arabian wont take the bit

20 16:57:04

I have a 4year old arabian mare that we are keeping for a 30 day trial to make sure she is what i want and she is fine except for she won't let me put a bridle on her she seems to be scared of the bit when we did get it on her once and she reared up and fell back can u give me any suggestions because we even went and got a gentler bit and she is still scared. the lady we got her from claims she had the bit in her mouth last summer but i'm wondering if that is a lie. i am 16 years old and a beginning horse rider.

You neglected to say what type of bit you are using.  If you are using a simple snaffle, try this with the mare.  Get a bottle of molasses.  If the mare will take a carrot,dip it into the molasses, otherwise, put some on your finger and insert your finger where the bit lies in her mouth.  Make sure she tastes the molasses.  Horses love the flavor.  Put the jar near her nostrils so she can smell what the molasses is like too.  Next, remove the reins from your headstall.   Dip the bit into the molasses and then gently bridle her.  Also, have you had her teeth checked by a vet?  If she has a tooth hitting the bit, it will hurt her and she would be reluctant to take the bit.  If her teeth need floated that may be your problem.  Otherwise, make sure the bit is not setting to high in her mouth.  I try and have the bit a little loose and let the horse "pick it up and carry it where it is comfortable for them" and then adjust it.  Make sure her ears aren't sore and no ticks are bothering her as well.  Good luck.