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arabian questions about my two horses

20 16:55:17

1. My mare is 22 this year, she is not maiden,but hasn't been bred since 2001. A mt. lion got that baby and I never bred her again, is it too late?

2. I have a gelding OTA, how do I read the tatoo? I can't find him, I would love to know who he is...

You need to have a vet check the mare for soundness. If she is ok, I would breed her. The main issues in older mares involve the heart and hormnones for milk production. Do not take the advice on anyone that has not examined the horse for soundness.

I am not sure of the tatoo. I am sure, if the vet checks the mare, he can advise on the contact info for the tato info. Best of luck and I hope the breeding goes well and produces a quality foal.  Brian