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breeding qh

20 16:57:00

Hi thanxz for replying and i have a coupal more qestions what if fighting starts ?will it? and also what is the time mares go in to heat ussaly and what cicals

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hi i am wanting to breed my 2 qh mares to a stud soon but the problem is that he has never been bred befor and niether has the mare what is the best way to do this just let them in a pen or by halter ? and how lod should a stud be befor he is able to breed at his youngest ? thank you
Hi Katie,
         It would be best if you were to breed him to an experienced mare so that he can learn. If you have two maidens you do run the risk of one getting hurt or not knowing what to do. I prefer to pasture breed rather then to breed by hand. I feel that horses that pasture breed are more likely to take their time and rather then rushing it. If you are not experienced in breeding then I would pasture breed.

A stallion can get a mare pregnant when he is as young as 6 months of age. The ideal age for breeding is to start them with 2-3 mares at the age of 2, moving up to 5 mares at the age of three.

I hope this helps.


Hi Katie,
         If your mare and stallion start to fight you will want to separate them right away. Make sure you have a lunge whip and another person with you to help. Fighting does not always happen.

A mare goes into heat from Spring to late Fall. She cycles every 28 days.
