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Breeding from my 17yr old?

20 16:56:46

I have a 14hh Welsh cob who i would quite like to breed from. I'm unsure at present whether shes to old. I don't know whethers shes had a foal before, im positive she has not had one in the past 10 years. Please tell me what you think and what i should do.

Hi Joy,
         The first question you will want to ask yourself is why you want to breed her. If it is to sell, then you have to look at the fact that the market is not good for selling horses right now. You will also want to look at her conformation and disposition and make sure that they are excellent. At 17, if this is her first foal she is more inclined to need assistance then a younger mare and have a greater chance of not conceiving a foal . Get a breeding exam done, make sure that she does not have a tipped uterus or any other problems. If you do breed her then be certain that you or another person is with her during foaling, so that if she needs help you will be able to provide it.
