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Weaning A Shetland x Foal

20 16:56:25

I am curious, Would a foal do fine on lucern hay and pasture and water of course, instead of giving all those supplements, or anything?? I do have a mineral block which my mini loves to lick!! he thinks its Christmas, but i was curious, would she be fine with pasture and hay but not heaps.

Thank you.

  Adequate forage such as free choice pasture and hay will be fine for the foal. Lucerne hay can be fed but in limited quantities due to it's high  protein and energy characteristics. You should also make sure that he/she has unlimited access to a salt block and water. If you do notice that he/she is losing weight, then you can add1-2lbs of pelleted feed a day. You do want to make sure that the foal does not get too much grain as they can get developmental orthopedic disease.
