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mare pregnancy

20 16:54:44

I have a very big 18hh shire mare,I have been trying to breed her for 2 years,I bought a weefoal pregnancy kit which claims you get no false positives,i done the test when she was 167 days and it said she was infoal,my vet done a palpation when she was 227 days and he said he could not feel a foal,he also said she was not cycling which i found strange as she always has done,I have noticed her belly has dropped and her udder has enlarged,the foal would be due beginning of semptember,is it possible the vet would have missed the foal when he palpated her,she would of been about 7 months then.I think i have seen the foal kick but not 100% certain .Can you please tell me if vets have missed pregnancies at that stage thanks

In some mares, especially those that are larger, the Vet can miss the foal during palpation. The foal slips too far back for it to be felt. I have a mare who is always checked open, until the day she foals. There are a few things that you can do. You can take the wait and see method or you can either get her ultrasounded or have a blood test done on her to check her progesterone levels.

I hope you get the foal that you want.
