Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Breeding Horses > Foaling (Miniature)

Foaling (Miniature)

20 16:55:22

QUESTION: Hi my question is I have a mare due April 5th. She bagged up weeks ago and I was getting clear sticky milk from her. I bought a Mare foaling predictor kit so I would have a idea when she will foal. After testing a couple times to see if the color is changing it is almost like the factory shut off. I can't get anything out of her. Is this normal? I thought it would go from clear to yellow and then to white and she would produce more not shut off. I should say this is a mini and has been bred before by the last owner. This is my first experience at doing this.


ANSWER: Hi Nancy,
         I have a few things that I need to ask, so that I can help you :-).  Does she still have a bag? Has there been any changes in her diet in the past few days? Have you checked to make sure that her nipples are not clogged? Is her bag warm or cold?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Yes she still has a bag and it is warm. Although her bad isn't huge. I've checked her nipples to make sure they are waxed over or clogged and found nothing. I haven't noticed any changes in her diet. She eats all that I give her.


Hi Nancy,

         On occasion a mare will stop letting her milk down for any number of reasons.There are a few things that you can do to bring it back it. I would recommend massaging her udder with a warm cloth. This will help bring the milk down. If she does not let her milk down after foaling then you can give her Domperidone or oxytocin .
