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pregnant mare retaining water

20 16:56:52

I have two mares foaling this month and the maiden mare is really retaining water. She has it built up all along her belly and even in between her front legs now. She will be 335 days on May 29th as she was A.I. Should i be concerned?? My vet is wonderful but admitts he does not know alot about breeding problems. She is very large now and does not want to evercise which is what my vet recommended. I give her free choice grass hay and mare and foal grain with vitamins in the evening.
Thanks for your time

The condition is called midline ventral edema or pitting edema.  If you gently poke your finger in the swelling it leaves a "pit".  The mare may need to be walked if she does not move about very much.  A great source for your questions is to join and then   The archives in that group will be well worth the read and perhaps printing out some of the information for future reference.   Good luck with your mares.  We have a two week old filly here now.