Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Breeding Horses > minnin when is she going to drop

minnin when is she going to drop

20 16:56:21

hi i have a mini we brought in January sight unseen she arrived in early march we discover as soon as she got of the truck she was heavy in foal on monday she was biting at her flanks trying to bite kick anyone who went near her she is very sloppy in back end she isn't badged up she is a maiden mare shes as big as a house wondering on how long she may have to go

Hi! Is her hips sunk in any? I have been told some mares don't drop their milk until they foal,but All of ours dropped beforehand. It sounds to me like she is in pain.  I would call the vet IMMEDIATELY to take a look at her. If she is messy in the rear end,her water could have broke- she may have tried to deliver, but the foal could have gotten stuck inside her, and that is why she is acting this way- I would call the vet NOW. this is my OPINION, but I really think something could be wrong!! i hope this helps you and I wish you the best!!! heather