Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Breeding Horses > How old is too old?

How old is too old?

20 16:56:44

QUESTION: I have a 14 year old Thoroughbred jumper mare who I would love to breed.
However, given my current college circumstances, I don't think it would be
financially wise to breed this year. How old is too old to breed her? I would like
to wait as long as I can, but don't want to put her at risk.

ANSWER: Normally, Some are bred to 20 years, nbut the older they are, the harder it is on the mare. I would not breed past 17 personally due the risk of the mare having problems.  Also, there is less risk if the mare has been bred regularly in the past and foaled a few times. Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So, since it would be her first baby, do you think it would be too risky to try to
breed her in the spring? She would be carrying during her 15-year-old year, and
delivering just before her 16th birthday.

I will give you my best qualified answer. Ask your vet. he knows her history, can check her health, can monitor her ovulating, heats, etc. I would not dream to give advice of this nature. If I owner the mare, and knew her well, I still would ask her vet provider. There will be additional vitamins, and other things for a maiden mare of her age. But I am hopeful it will be ok.