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stallion not interested

20 16:53:53


I just recently purchased a gorgeous nine yr old Miniature Horse stallion with hopes of breeding him to my mares. He had only been bred to one mare, and spent quite some time (at least a year)in the same pen with her. They did produce a foal, but the foal unfortunatley passed away due to owner neglect. I've had him about a week now, and one of my mares is very much in heat. He acts somewwhat interested in her at first, and even tries breeding her (unsuccessfully). After only one try he completely gives up and acts uninterested. She can be teasing, squirting, etc., and he just seems to lose focus. My other stallion is the direct opposite. I'm wondering if maybe this is due to him never being bred to many mares, or maybe he just needs more time to settle in? Thank you for your time!

Hi Sarah,

Your problem is one that is seen quite often with stallions that are allowed to run with mares all year long.  They become timid to approach a mare eventhough the mare is in full heat.

It may take awhile for your new stallion to get used to the idea that when he approaches a mare, she isn't going to kick the snot out of him.  The best recommendation I can give is to make sure your stallion is kept away from mares entirely, unless the mare is in full, receptive heat.  This will usually work to get a stallion's interest and confidence level back up, but it honestly takes time and patience on the part of the owner.

I had a miniature stallion who acted this very same way.  After spending about a year away from mares, he finally got his confidence level back up.  I still had to make sure the mare was completely tied and I would have to stand there and hold her tail to the side and keep her perfectly still before he would successfully breed her.

I know how frustrating this type of situation is and I hope it all works out for you and your stallion.

Best of luck,