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adult height of colt

20 16:56:09

my 14.1 dales pony gave birth to a colt on 4th june 08, to an unknown stallion. she rejected him i am hand rearing him. he is starting to get a bit pushy at 10 weeks old. this is not too much of a problem at the minute and he is starting to learn to respect others space etc. the only problem is he was 9hh newborn and 11.2hh at 7 weeks. could you give me a rough estimate of his final height please as i dont want to have to handle a horse for 3 years for me to be too small to ride him as i am only 5 foot. thankyou so much

There are going to be several factors that will determine his height. They are proper nutrition and the size of both parents> If you go just by the height of his Dam then he should be at least 14 hands, when full grown. A more exact way to find out is measure from the coronary band to the middle of the knee. If the tape reads 14 inches, the horse should be 14 hands tall. If the tape reads 15 inches, the horse will be 15 hands tall. You will be able to do this when he is 6 months old.
