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pregnant mares pasture mate.

20 16:56:08

my name is michaela, and I'm going to breed my 4 1/2 year quarter horse mare this coming spring, and I was wandering to what time is it ok for her to be with her pasture buddy while pregnant before seperating her?
thank you,

Hi- Putting her with a pasture mate will be OK the whole time she is pregnant if they get along well. I would separate them about a month before she is due if you are worried about the other horse hurting the foal, and a month is enough time for your horse to get used to being alone and not worry herself because you took her buddy. A mare or gelding would make a good pasture mate. we usually put the mare in a stall about a month before she foals so we can keep a  close eye on her and note changes. I hope this helps!!!! Heather