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brood mare

20 16:56:07

Hi, i bought a brood mare approximatly 8 weeks ago. she was in very poor condition but i have got her healthy and she has put alot of weight on. I had the vet scan her to see roughly when the foal would be arriving, they said they could feel the head and hooves then and it would be very soon, however i am still waiting!! she has started to fill up in her udder and has small white spots round her udders. Yesterday the vet came again and examined her, she said that the foal is definatly there and ready to be born.Today when i went to see her she had thick white liquid dripping from her vagina, is this a show?or waters breaking?or even something bad? does it sound like my mare will foal soon?

Hi Jenna,
          It sounds as though your mare will foal any day now. If she keeps on dripping the milk, you should catch the milk and freeze it. Since she was in poor condition, that make sure that the Vet pulls an IGG on the foal. This will let you know if the foal got enough colostrum.

Good luck with your foaling.