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Twins Foals!

20 16:56:17

My 8yr old 15.3hh Welsh Cob mare Laura has given birth to TWIN FOALS! I know this is rare i am still in awe. Is she ok nursing two foals? I have kept her in for the past week when will she be allowed out with the two?
thanks, Jake

Hi Jake,

Congratulations on twins!!  You are indeed very lucky that both babies went to term and were born with no problems.

Your mare should be just fine nursing two foals.  Just make sure she gets PLENTY of food and maybe a supplement also.  Nursing two foals is going to take a lot out of her and she could drop weight quickly.  You'll want to keep an eye on her udder also, to make sure she doesn't develop mastitis from over-nursing.

When to let her and the babies out is entirely up to you and what you feel comfortable with.  I generally do not let my mares with new babies out on pasture until the foal is a month old.  I've had a bad experience with letting 1-2 week old foals out on pasture before, so now I make them stay in the barn and their little turn-out area for at least a month, so I know they are working their legs well and they know to stay with mom.

Have fun with those new babies!