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Shy Baby Horse

20 16:56:42

I have a four month old quarter horse filly. She has great blood lines, and is absolutely beautiful [and HUGE] for her age. He mother is very calm and has no problem with anyone doing anything to her baby. He sire is an energetic cutting and reining horse. My baby has been around people a lot, since she was born and lives in a very bust boarding facility. She is extremely shy, she runs from people and hates to be lead. This is probably just a common baby thing, but what should i do to help her trust me more?

Hi Mariah,
          The best thing you can do is spend lots of time with her. Just be patient and calm with her. Try brushing her, stroking her, even reading to her. This way she can get used to your touch and voice. Foals are very curious and eventually she will come along.
