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Moody mare

20 16:53:49

Yesterday we purchased a Morgan mare, 9 yes old. Out at the owners place she was a doll, and the owner said she was submissive and sweet. But at our place, she is borderline vicious. She aatacks the other 2 mares and gelding, and even took on the lead mare and won. is there a possibility she was unpurposefully bred? Do mares get moody in early pregnancy?


Hi Makenna,

It sounds as though you have a mare that is trying to establish her place in the new herd.

Some mares can act almost like a stud in early pregnancy and become quite aggressive toward other horses.

It may take awhile for her to settle in with the new herd and until then, you should use precautions and introduce her slowly to each horse.

I personally just sold a mare who was very sweet and submissive but her new owners have told me that she is attacking every horse on their property, which I found quite surprising.

I wouldn't attribute your new mare's behavior to a sign of pregnancy but one more of trying to establish her pecking order.

Best of luck.