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finding the right size stud for my mare

20 16:55:39


Hi Sandy

The mare that I have will be the first that I will have ever of bred. I want to get a much larger horse out of her than what she is. She is a 14.3h app/morgan and I have found a georgous hanovieran stud that is 16.1. I am wondering if that may possibly be too big for my mare to handle. She has never been bred before and getting up there in age. She is 14.
I have attached a photo of her
thank you.

Hi Amanda,

First let me say that your mare is beautiful!

I see no reason why your mare should have problems when bred to a Hanoverian.  From what I can see of her, a Hanoverian may be a good compliment to your mare.  It has been determined that a mare's foal will only grow to the size that she is capable of delivering.

Although I must tell you, that breeding her to a 16.1hh stud is not going to guarantee you a much larger horse.  The genes for the foal are going to come from both the mare and stallion, not just all the stallion.  So in all honesty, you could have a foal from her that may only grow to an inch or so taller than your mare.

Take this as an example... a human mother is 5ft 4in tall.... the father is 6ft 5in.... doesn't mean their child is going to grow to be 6+ feet tall!

I think your main concern at this time would be getting your mare pregnant in the first place.  She is 14 years old and has never had a foal.  The chances of a mare successfully getting pregnant after the age of 10 years diminishes.  Especially with their first one.  I'm not saying it is impossible, but you just need to be aware that she could have difficulties getting pregnant.  Your best bet would be to have a breeding soundness exam performed on her prior to breeding, just to make sure that everything reproductively, is healthy.  Then you're not spending a lot of money on a stud fee and not getting anything in return.

Best of luck!