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Breeding my older maiden mare

20 16:56:16

Hi- I have a Half Arab mare who is 16 now that I absolutely love.  I have tried breeding her in the past. First time, she was 13, bred her live cover to an Arabian stallion.  She was checked in foal (u/s) at 28 days and at 3 months there was nothing.  It was too late in the year to try again.
The next year, I tried AI with her and once everything seemed to go perfectly; by ultrasound saw something but it measured at the wrong size.  Tried 2 more breedings that season, AI, some issues with the semen (low motility, debris).
The following year (she was 15) I tried live cover again, only once.  Nothing took and I just gave up.
Now she is 16 and I am wondering if she is just too old, would it be too much for her to have a baby (considering she is maiden).  I just love her though and want to see a "mini-Mindy."
Thanks, Molly

Hi Molly,
It has been said that once a mare hits 10 years of age, the chances of them conceiving and carrying a foal to term does lessen to a degree.  I'm not exactly sure what the percentages are, but their chances are decreased.

It sounds as though with the live cover she was able to conceive, which is great.  Slipping a foal prior to 3 months really is not that uncommon... it happens quite often as a matter of fact, even in healthy, young mares that have had previous foals.  There are just too many things that can be the reason for it.  I have always been told by my vet not to deworm, give any shots, basically do not introduce anything into the mare's body within the first 60 days of gestation.

As for your A/I experience, that sounds as though it was due to poor quality semen.  I'm not sure why there were further inseminations once something was seen at "the wrong size" though.  If what is seen on ultrasound doesn't measure at the correct days, that is also totally normal, if it is off by just a little bit.  Did the vet ever confirm what it was that he/she saw?  If there was something in the uterus that was not an embryo, then it could be a cyst, which could definitely be causing problems for you with trying to breed your mare.

I would not consider your mare at 16 years of age to be too old, if she is in good condition and good health, especially considering the fact that she is an Arab.  Arabs do tend to have quite a long life span.  I had a friend who owned an Arab mare and at 24 years of age, still had a baby.  I don't think I'd give up hope on this mare just yet!

Best of luck.