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Breeding an older maiden mare

20 16:56:16

Hi- I have a Half Arab mare who is 16 now that I absolutely love.  I have tried breeding her in the past. First time, she was 13, bred her live cover to an Arabian stallion.  She was checked in foal (u/s) at 28 days and at 3 months there was nothing.  It was too late in the year to try again.
The next year, I tried AI with her and once everything seemed to go perfectly; by ultrasound saw something but it measured at the wrong size.  Tried 2 more breedings that season, AI, some issues with the semen (low motility, debris).
The following year (she was 15) I tried live cover again, only once.  Nothing took and I just gave up.
Now she is 16 and I am wondering if she is just too old, would it be too much for her to have a baby (considering she is maiden).  I just love her though and want to see a "mini-Mindy."  I wish I could attach a picture.
Thanks, Molly

    I apologize for the delay in answering your question. We have had some storms and I was unable to get online. Sixteen is not too old to breed your mare, as long as she is healthy. I would be more concerned about the fact that she has not been able to carry a foal to term. I would strongly suggest that you bring your mare to a Vet and have a full breeding soundness exam done. The exam will include, vaginal and pelvic soundness, conformation of the vulva and vulva lip. The Vet will check to see if she has any infections at all, the The ovaries will be palpated to check and see if they are the correct size. The vet should also check her cervix and make sure that it is not tipping. If there are any problems, then you can get them corrected prior to breeding season. Good luck with the breeding.
