Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Breeding Horses > height diference horse breeding

height diference horse breeding

20 16:56:33

well hear goes
i have a 14.1hands mare(143cm)
i would like her foal to be bigger stallion possiblebut im in a trickey situation
whats the absolote biggest the stalllion i could use for my mare and would you recommend that the foal is a pony and doesnt go to be a horse
i was thinking its silly but a tiny mum and a huge dad dont have problems do they? well horses humans i dont know the conparason
so whats the biggest in height the stallion could be


Hi Lewis,
          If you are breeding for a pony then you want to make sure that the stallion is no taller then 14.3 hands. If, you are wanting to breed her to a larger horse so that you get a foal that is taller then the height should not be any bigger then 15.2 hands. The stallion does contribute to the size of the foal. Mares can have problems if they are bred to a much bigger stallion. If you stay at 15.2 and below you should have a foal that is the correct size for her to carry.
