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Twrnty three year old pony

20 16:54:40

Had a blood test done 2 months ago to determine pregnancy.Vet said she was pregnant and due soon.Well this pregnant pony is showing signs of heat. Our 6 year old gelding is trying to mount her.What should we do.Is this normal. We got her from a rescue pregnant.We,ve had her 8 months now. Don,t know anything about her except she was in with a pony with one testicle. Is this normal for a pregnant mare.

Hi Theresa,
            While there are some mares that will show signs of heat while being bred. Most will not. If she did abort the foal, then you should have found something in her stall, as the foal would be the size of a beagle at least. To find out for sure, you can either have the vet palpate her or wait a few months and see if she foals. I would treat her as a pregnant mare if you do not get her palpated.

Let me know what happens.
