Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Breeding Horses > BREEDING WHAT WILL I GET SHOULD I


20 16:56:48

Hi I've just bought a mare to put in foal she is by dressage stallion Ferro and out of G line mare Gambler an advanced dressage horse by Grandios. She is 8 yrs old 16hh and looks just like Ferro. Now all the good bits are out of the way here comes the problem.... she has an abscess n her mouth twice and she has egg bar shoes on her font feet for three years personally i don't think she needs them at all now i think the girl that i bought her off is very niave and she has been ripped o by her farrier. the reason she had the shoes on in the first place was because she had low heels however she has never been lame and passed a vet. Her breeding was too good and opportunity to pass up. I was hoping (praying) that some good gene's would have skipped a generation. What is your advice I really don't agree with breeding from bad (not A1) horses but i think her pedigree is so good please help

Hi Nicole,
              You first need to decide what you want in a foal. Will this be a foal for you to keep or to sell? If you are keeping the foal then the guidelines are much less stringent then if you are selling the foal. Check her conformation and see if it is good for the breed. If she does have any conformation issues, will the stallion you want to breed to help nullify them in the foal? Does she have a good mind and personality? I would not worry about the abscesses if she has only had two in her life, and if a Vet passed her then the feet should not be an issue.
