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is my mare really pregnant

20 16:56:31

I have a palomino quarter horse mare 16hh that i breed to my mini bay appaloosa stallion back in march 2007. were not sure if she is pregnant. her belly is bigger than normally and moves, she also has fullness right in front of her teats. are these signs of pregnancy. Also is the gestational time going to be different since she was breed to a smaller stallion if she is pregnant.

Hi Gale,
         The gestational time will be the same, the average is 340 days. Some mares do go a week earlier and some will go longer. The swelling in front of her teats is called edema. It can be a sign of pregnancy. Other signs that you will see is that her belly will"V" shaped. Her hind end will get looser as she gets closer. I would have a vet palpate her to see if she is or is not. This way, you can prepare.
