Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Breeding Horses > mare loosing hair after foaling

mare loosing hair after foaling

20 16:56:23

i have a 10 day old filly mom started loosing right after baby came and she is stiff in back legs one told me she had straw burn took it out and she is still going balk she looks awful i have a rescue so she is on very good grain what should i do  thanks sharon

Hi Sharon,
I have to honestly say I've never seen a mare go bald after having a foal, but it could be a fungal infection or parasites.  It could also be something to do with her diet... my honest opinion would be to have a vet look at her.  If the hairloss and stiffness in the back legs just started right after foaling, there could definitely be some medical issues going on here.  A mare will "blow their coat" right before foaling and for awhile after, but not literally go bald to the skin.  The hairloss and stiffness in the hind end may not be related to each other, but what you're saying your mare is going through, especially with it occuring right after foaling, I would say is not normal.  

I hope all goes well.