Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Breeding Horses > After weaning..

After weaning..

20 16:56:56

QUESTION: I have a warmblood mare who is due to fol in mid April.  She is curruntly at a facility that specializes in breeding.  It is an hour formj my house.My question is once you wean the filly, is it pertinent for it to be with its peers, or can it be with adult horses?  I would prefer to move the filly closer to me, but only if it will not affect her developement.  There are not too many breeding barns nearby.
ANSWER: Hi Tammy,
         It would be ideal if she was with foals of her own age as that will make the weaning process easier on her. If you are not able to do that then see if you can put her in with an adult gelding rather then an adult mare and she   should be ok.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Once weaned could i put her in with adults or should she stay with other weanlings and yearlings?

Hi Tammy,
         For now I would keep her with other weanlings and yearlings so that she can play with her peers. Also this cuts down the risk that she may accidently be harmed by the older horses. When she is a yearling you can put her in the mixed herd.
