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what breed suits me

20 16:57:00

I like a smart horse with speed that is kinda stocky  but is about 16 or so hands give or take a few what horse is best and i ride western

You may want to consider buying a quarter horse or a paint. Quarter horses are known to be kind of short but if you look hard enough then you will find one that is 16 hands. Paints are based off the quarter horse breed so they have similiar characetics. Or you could get a quarter horse and a throughbred crossed. Quarter horses are stocky with an amazing amount of speed but are sprinters. Throughbreds are tall but not stocky their kind of slender and skinny, and they too have a amazing speed but can probaly go longer than a quarter horse but they cant sprint as fast as a quarter horse. Or you could cross a paint and a throughbred because paints are almost excally like quarter horses but with spots.
I hope this helps