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Breeding an older arthritic mare

20 16:56:40

I have an 18-19 year old mare that I absolutely love. She has pretty bad arthritis and pretty much limps and takes small steps. I'd love to have a baby from her, but not sure if it would be good on her. She stands bent at the knees and I'm afraid it'd put too much weight on her. Would it be ok to breed her? Thanks for your help!

Hi Neke,
          You would not want to breed this mare. The extra weight from a foal could severly injure her. If she is havibg prolems walking now then there is a good chance that she would not even be able to walk at all if she was in foal. My best advice is for you to enjoy your mare. You might also want to have the Vet check her out as they may have medication to ease the pain.
