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Miniature stud/15.3hh mare

20 16:55:20

We have a Mini that we got a few months ago from some friends that didn't want him anymore, he is around four years old, and not gelded. We also have a 15.3hh appy mare, who my trainer said was probably too tall for any funny business to happen between the two. We noticed lately she has been running around with her tail up, and the mini has taken a lot of interest in her. This afternoon I looked outside and caught the mini mounting my mare. It looked like he reached, and we aren't sure how many times this may have happened. What are the odds of my mare becoming pregnant? And what would the likely outcome be?

Hi Samantha,

The miniature stud must be pretty tall to reach a 15.3hh mare!!

I had several miniature stallions that had good access to my Appy mares and they were never able to reach enough to actually mount, let alone penetrate.  We actually used to use the miniature stallions as teasers for the big mares.

The odds of your mare becoming pregnant are just as good as if she had been bred by a full-sized stallion.

The outcome is going to depend on how tall the miniature is.  If he is a typical miniature that is 30-34 inches tall, you could easily end up with a foal that is not tall enough to nurse from its mother.  Miniature foals are approximately 17-22 inches tall at birth.

If he is taller, more pony-sized rather than a miniature, then you will probably be okay.

Good luck!