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15 year maiden no udder at all

20 16:54:13


maiden with no udder
My 15 year old QH is a maiden and 312 days now, she has no signs of udder development at all. Her teats are tiny.
I never had this before.

Hi Diana,

I can totally understand your frustration and concern about the fact that your mare at 312 days has not started bagging up yet but it actually is not that uncommon.  It does tell me however, that she will probably go quite a bit past 340 days.

I had a mare one year who did not start bagging up until 340 days and she finally foaled at 375 days!  I have another mare who generally does not start bagging up until approximately 320 days and she usually foals around 350 or so days.

Then, there is always the possibility that your mare may not bag up until the time of foaling.  I have personally never had that happen, but I do know that it is possible.

Just keep checking her, I'm sure she will start bagging up soon.

Best of luck,