Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > what do turtles eat?

what do turtles eat?

22 16:39:12

my sister and i were on a walk, and on our way back we found a baby turtle, my sis wanted me to find out what they eat. I figured that you would know what they would eat.So if you could, answer my question.

First- if you are thinking about keeping it as a pet, I will make you a deal: If you promise to take care of it right, I won't go into the long list of reasons it is not a good idea.

To take care of it right, try the info at or

As for diet...

Each species has a slightly different diet, but most of the common pond turtles in the US eat about the same thing as babies- worms, insects, snails, small fish, arthropods, small shellfish, etc.

As they get bigger, they will eat more and more water plants.

In captivity, we can offer them live or frozen items from that list, and supplement it with good quality pellets.

Both sites listed have lots on diet.