Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Should I...

Should I...

22 16:14:16

Should I get a box turtle? This is my first turtle and I'm going to get it when I move into my new house. Can you tell if it is a boy or girl? If so, how? Can you also link me some sites? I am 10.
Thanks, Ashley


Box turtles are not good choices as pets unless you are old enough.  

I say this because they are exotic animals, meaning they require specialized care and this, frankly, translates into money.  Chances are, your parents aren't willing to shell out the money required to support an exotic animal.  

Talk this over with your parents (show them my reply) and discuss whether or not a box turtle would be a good choice for a pet.

Here are some facts you need to know before you get a box turtle

- they may be a lifetime commitment - they can outlive you.
- they can't make noise so you have to examine them frequently because with box turtles, health problems need to be caught early
- there is a chance you can contract Salmonella
- they need expensive lights if kept indoors (which, unless you live in the southern part of the US, they'll need to be) these lights run about $35-$50.
- You can't just give them commercially prepared food - they need a mixture of greens, fruits, proteins (worms, etc.)
- they need approximately yearly beak and nail trims by the vet.
- some vets recommend yearly parasite examinations.

I could go on, but I think you get the idea.  

So unless you live in the south where people have box turtles roaming their backyards naturally, I'd have to say it's not a good idea.