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Moving and need to take my sons African Sulcata

22 16:16:57

We are moving and need to find the best way to transport my son's African sulcata. Stewie is only 9 months old. We have taken him on car trips but usually not more then an 1 hour. Can you help me figure out what the best way to transport him is. Either by car or plane. and if I would even be able to take him on the plane with us. He is only about 6 inches long. Thank you.

Hi Roni,

Personally, I would not let my turtles be transported by plane.  I don't trust the airlines to keep them safe.  I don't mean to scare you, I'm sure he'd be perfectly fine, but there was a story in the news several years back about a cat that froze to death in the cargo area of the plane.  That was enough for me!

Plus, it would be more stressful for them because of the change in air pressure, the noise, being with the other animals in the cargo area, and who knows what else.

You can ask the airline if he can ride with you on the plane, it can't hurt.  Maybe they will make an exception for a small turtle, who knows.

If you take him by car, I'd just make sure he wasn't sliding around.  I usually put towels in with my turtles to cushion them and it gives them something to dig their nails into so they can hang on.
