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Turtle tank

22 16:16:57

I was wondering if I could keep a red eared slider in a 10 gallon tank.  If not, could I keep a painted turtle in the same sized tank?  If not, what would be an appropriate size?


Hello Hardy, a baby could be kept in a ten gallon for a short period but eventually will need a much much larger enclosure. Adults can get up to 12 inches in diameter in Which case wouldnt even fit in a ten gallon. A painted turtle wouldn't either only as babies. You can house a turtle in a 50 gallon tank until they reach about 6 inches and then they will need more. The rule ist at least 10 gallon per every inch of shell. So a 4 inch turtle needs 40 gallons. Usually adults are housed in outdoor or sometimes indoor ponds.

I hope that helps,