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yellow discharge from mouth of res of 3 yrs

22 16:01:12

QUESTION: my 3yr old female slider is acting bit weird since few weeks.she always wants to go out,keeps searching for a place,keeps digging with her hind legs.just yesterday we noticed jelly like liquid getting discharged from her(no idea from where)n yellow discharge from her mouth.the discharge is not foul smelling n is powdery when dry.she is otherwise very active n eating properly.we have a 3yr old male res too but i doubt they mated.we get transferred quite frequently n for short durations so carrying an aquarium everyplace is not we leave them out n by night put them in tub n feed them.they have all vegetable diet.we live in india.both of them are pretty active.just concerned bout the it possible she is pregnant?are the discharges related to it?they are almost 10inches long.plz help them too much cant let anything happen to them.we dont have qualified vets over here where i can take plz am really relying on you completely

ANSWER: Meenu,  Your female won't reach sexual maturity for a couple more years. About 5-7 years. Not that she may not imitate an adult as she grows. Now the discharge.... They can not be on an all vegetable diet. These guys are omnivores and need protein. You can give them boiled lean chicken, tuna (if it is in brine that's fine), and definitely always a turtle stick or pellet supplement. Make sure you are getting your calcium supplement in them in their veggie's. I would switch their schedule also and keep them in at night and feed and keep them out during the day. The reason for this is they need the sunlight to produce calcium, they digest their food better in heat, and the evenings can be chilly and you will end up with a turtle with a respiratory infection. The discharge....listen very closely and see if she is wheezing at all...also are her eyes crusting. If so then it sounds like she may already have an upper respiratory infection. In that case she will need systemic medications that can only be gotten through a vet. Good Luck, Tina

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QUESTION: Thank you so much.learned a lot.yesterday I finally understood bout the yellow liquid.i guess I guessed her age wrong coz yesterday I caught her laying egg.she had eaten the previous ones she laid thus the yellow I want to know hope its not harmful for her to eat it.n how many eggs is she supposed to lay.i think she laid two the first day n one the next making it three in many days do they keep laying eggs?n finally how should we care for her this time?I've changed the diet now n keeping them out in day.both of them are very active n eating properly.should I keep them together as male is pretty docile,infact the female dominates him.n would love to know what other things shud I do for their proper care?thanks again,u are a great help:-)

ANSWER: Meenu,  It sounds like he is younger than her. It is safe for her to eat the eggs ... it is alot of protein and calcium. They are probably infertile. It will however make a mess in your tank and I would remove some of the eggs. She can lay up to 30 eggs in a clutch sometimes more when she gets older....make sure you have enough sand because they may mate again if he Is old enough and fertilize them. It takes sometimes up to 60 to 90 days to hatch. They may have several clutches a year. I am glad to hear about the diet change. Good Luck, Tina

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QUESTION: Hi Tina,thanks again.but I've few more questions.sorry for troubling u so much but all this is new for me so really need your guidance.she has not laid any more eggs after those three n now is behaving normal like before.she has stopped pacing,digging n getting restless.she is eating fine.just wanted to know hope she is not retaining shud I kno if she is?tried palpating her with much difficulty,but found|

Meenu, It is very common like I said for almost all reptiles to lay even though unfertile eggs when they reach sexual maturity. As far as becoming egg bound it is not the most common thing for a turtle . Though it can happen. I think she is done since she stopped showing the signs of a laying turtle and she is young. Watch for bulging by her back legs or clocoa.If you see this you can take her too a vet but be patient or you can go and get some simple mineral oil into the cloaca and give some slight pressure they should start moving but, personally I think she is done and will be fine. Oh and watch over feeding obesity is a killer for them. if they can not tuck their whole bodies' inside that's a problem put them on a diet. This causes liver failure and organ breakdown. Biggest sign besides fit is yellow streaks down the back legs. I am sure she is fine this is just food for thought for you .....Good Luck, Tina