Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > film on skin

film on skin

22 16:39:24

we have 3 painted turtles. I'm not sure how exactly to describe what i am seeing on them other then a white cloudy film on their skin. u know how if some food is left in the tank its like something starts growing almost around it...that's kinda what it is this cause for worry it seems to come and go

This is probably a fungal growth. Pretty common but annoying.

First of all, check over your basic cares- water temps, lighting, filtration, etc. You can use a site like as a basis for the review.

Once the basic cares are rock solid, you can treat the growths by gently scrubbing the turtle with salt and a soft brush. If it keeps coming back, try using the fish medicine Stress Coat.