Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > fluttering?


22 16:02:38

I have one western painted and one eastern painted turtle.  They are a little over 2 yrs old. Why does one keep fluttering the other and attempting to mount? They're not mature I'm assuming!!!
(I can send pictures if needed)

HI Kiely,

Although turtles can mature faster in captivity than in the wild because food availability is better, I agree that 2 years old is a little young.  They can start displaying some breeding behavior before they're fully mature, though, so the one fluttering may turn out to be male in the next year or so. Females will also flutter sometimes, possibly as a dominance behavior.  Keep an eye on them just in case the fluttering turtle starts harassing the other.  Making sure your tank is big and has plenty of basking area will also help.  You may already know how to sex your turtles, but just in case you don't, here's a link with pictures:  Hope that helps!