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Chinese Box Turtle

22 16:05:46

Please help.  1/4 of my turtle's lower half jaw broke off while biting my sneaker.  Part of his mouth is exposed on the left side.  Until I can get him to my vet tommorow morning, what can or should I do? Please get back to me as soon as possible. I'm very upset. It's around 10pm Monday evening. Thank you.

Hi Malinda,

At this point I don't think there's much you can do except get him to the vet tomorrow.  If the injury is bleeding or raw, put him on newspapers or towels so he can stay clean.  Keep him at his normal temperatures, and don't try to feed him for now.  Depending on the extent of the injury, the vet will probably file/dremel the broken area of the beak to smooth it out, or may have to do a more extensive repair.  Beak injuries aren't unusual, so don't panic yet.  Hopefully it will all work out well.  Good luck with him, and please post back to let me know what happens.