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Red eared slider plastron

22 16:47:43

Jade, my red eared slider, has pink spots on her underbelly and she has stopped eating her pellets and krill.  Also, do sliders shed skin?  She has bits hanging from her legs and neck.  Please tell me what to do about her lack of appetite and also if the skin situation is a major problem.  Thank you so much for your help!

Shedding is normal- especially if it is only small bits.

Pink spots can be either harmless air bubbles or early signs of shell rot.

Stopped eating can be because it is too hot, too cold, etc.

I suggest reviewing sites like for good general care guidelines.

The thing is, when turtles start acting weird, it is usually because we have slipped up somewhere in the basic cares and feeding.

Reviewing the cares and making sure we are doing things OK often shows us where the glitch is.

Good luck!