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Turtle skin problem

22 16:05:22


Paw bleeding
My turtle Squirtle is a Red Ear Slider. Recently he has been biting at his two front paws and now they are both cut open. Is this normal? And what can you recommend i do?
Thanks a lot

It needs to be decided as to why she is eating and biting her feet

Does she have any black dots on her.? like mites... or something growing on them?

It is not coommon for them to eat their own feet. does she have a tank friend? anything that could be possibly picking at her?
please let me know as to the temos in her tank, does she have something to do like a filter for playing in the splashing water etc...

I need to know more about the set up and her daily times such as heat lights etc

Never forget nothing replaces a vet if you can not afford one. let me know the area you love in Ill find a rescue that might be able to assist