Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > What is my turtle?

What is my turtle?

22 16:15:00

New Turtle
New Turtle  
QUESTION: I have a turtle that we found on the road, and brought home for the kids to see, and he is currently living in our kiddie pool.  I have tried to find a photo like him on the internet, but have not had any success.  I have more pictures of him if you need them.  
Thank you in advance,


ANSWER: That looks like a Mud Turtle. Try here for photos:

It might be a Musk Turtle instead, also in the World of Turtles gallery.

For cares for Mud Turtles, try:

In general, I am not a fan of keeping wild animals as pets for several reasons. After you guys have enjoyed it for a few days, I would recommend letting it go in a safe place close to where you found it.

If you DO decide to keep it, the link above and the forum at can offer great advice!

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your help!  We are letting him go today!

I'm glad! If you are interested in turtles as pets, there are many great species you can try, and the sites mentioned earlier or can help you get a good start- but it is always better to be ready for a new pet- physically and psychologically.