Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > biting


22 16:13:08

my boy turtle keeps biting my girl turtle on the back of the neck. Is that normal? she is one years old and he is two. they are both red eared sliders and share a tank. also, she is almost bigger than him. does she need to go on a diet or do the girls grow faster?.thank you.

Hi Fleur,

The boy may be mating with your girl - I'd keep them in seperate tanks since I can imagine it would be no fun to get raped or bit all day long :)

I don't know if female turtles grow faster but don't put her on a diet.  Here are two useful links about RES care:

If the diet you are giving your turtles are close to what the care sheets say and your turtle isn't REALLY fat (looks like she can barely fit in her shell) then only a vet can evaluate her.

Good luck!
