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yolk sac on hatching

22 15:57:42

Hi Jeannie,
my mud turtle hatched from its egg without its yolk sac. It was about half the size of a quarter when it hatched and will not eat anything I offer it. It seems healthy otherwise. Is this normal? Thank you!

Hi Lisa,

It's not unusual for them to have absorbed the yolk sac before they leave the egg.  Often they'll break the egg partway and then sit in it while the rest of the yolk sac absorbs.  In fact, a large yolk sac on a hatchling may mean problems, so no sac is really better.

Your hatchling will probably not eat for at least a few days, and sometimes they don't eat for as long as a month.  This is not something to worry about, because the yolk sac will sustain them for some time.  I would wait a few days to a week before offering food.  Usually something wiggly will catch their interest.  Congratulations on your hatchling!