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lighting for baby turtle

22 16:15:01

I received a baby yellow spotted turtle and wondered what kind of lighting I need for it.  It is about a month and a half old.  She also has a white substance on part of her shell and top of her neck.  Do you know what this is or how to treat it.  She has a calcium block and also a rock to bask on.  She is not in an aquarium just a large size bowl with a lamp and a 60 watt bulb.  I would appreciate your help.  Thank you

She needs a larger tank

a Repti-Sun 10.0 UVB bulb and a basking light to regulate temperatures. They both need to be on 12 hours a day.

I am not sure as to what the white area on her is and that is best looked at by a veterinarian. I do not have medical experience.

Good luck