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Cagles map turtle

22 16:39:01

I have a Cagle's map turtle and a red eared slider in the same tank and they are about the same size right now but my red eared slider, who i got wan he was the size of a quarter, is growing at a fast rate and bullying the other turtle around. I'm worried that the map turtle isn't getting enough food.I cant check myself cause if anything moves hell stop eating...any advice?

Red-ears are  far bigger species naturally- they get about twice the size of some maps. Red-ears are also natural bullies.

I would suggest keeping them in separate tanks if possible. Between the bullying. over-competing for food, and the fact that maps like cooler, moving water would make that a good thing.

If you cannot separate them, at least make sure the habitat is big enough for both. We usually suggest about 10 gallons of water per inch of turtle shell length. also has a lot of good info.