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Red Ear Sliders and Mississippi Map Turtles

22 16:39:01

I have owned a red ear slider for about 6 to 8 years now since I was a child. I have a 6 foot by 6 foot fenced in space with a pond and am working on expanding right now to two ponds with 12 by 12 and semi large winter living area in doors. I have seen two mississippi map turtles for the first time in my PA area at a petstore. I would like to get them to save them from their cramped living area and add them with my slider but I am not sure how compatable they are with sliders. I also wanted to get an eastern painted turtle knowing they get along well with sliders but what about the mississippi map? In short I guess I am asking if all three kinds can get along with each other or if maps can get along with sliders if not the eastern painted. It is a confusing situation I know and am sorry but just looking for answers the best way I can. And please answer in detail if possible. Thank you so much!

Actually, this is pretty easy. Maps are good turtles that play well with others also. in fact, of the three, Red-ears are the biggest bullies.

The only real issue will be the size of the pond- as long as it allows at least 10 gallons of water per inch of shell lengths total they should be OK.

Just an FYI- maps like moving water better than still and the other two prefer slow or still water.