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The Shell

22 16:48:26

Um...yeah. My Red-eared Slider, Crush, has a shell that is cracking and peeling. What's going on with it?

I am not a veteranarian, but my guess would be something like Ulcerative Shell Disease.

USD starts as some black spots under the scutes (shell scales) of the belly, then develops into pits in the scutes. Eventually, the scutes loosen and fall off.

USD is probably caused by a micro-organism common to shellfish, and is often found in foods contaiing shellfish (shrimp meal, crayfish, oyster shell, etc.).

USD is not in itself dangerous, but can leave the turtle open to other infections. It is treated by draining the tank and disinfecting everything (run it through the dishwasher, or wash it with diluted bleach, etc.). Stop using any foods with shellfish in the ingrediants. Remove any surfaces that may be causing scratches in the shell (the disease needs small openings to enter the scutes).

Next, keep the turtle warm and well-fed. Once a day, put it in a dry cage and swab the exposed bony areas and any suspected infestations with Betadine solution and let it dry well. Give the turtle a mild warm saltwater bath before returning it to the main tank.

There are other possibilities as well. Malnutrition, low calcium levels, bad calcium/magnesium ratios, poor basic cares, cool tank temps, and more can cause shell distress as well.

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